Configurable and Cache-Accurate Trace Generation for Storage Benchmarking
We introduce 2DIO, a two-dimensional trace generation framework that encodes cache behaviors through a compact, quantized representation of recency patterns (IRD), combined with an independent reference model that characterizes frequency. This approach requires minimal parameters yet accurately reproduces complex, non-convex LRU miss ratio curves observed in real workloads.
We address two observed patterns in real-world storage I/O traces: (1) their inter-arrival distance (IRD) distributions show multiple cliffs and plateaus in the short term and converge to heavy-tailed distributions in the long term; (2) the cliffs (or plateaus) in their LRU miss ratio curve correspond to the spikes (or holes) in their IRD distribution. Based on these observations, we introduce 2DIO, a two-dimensional trace generation framework that encodes cache behaviors through a compact, quantized representation of recency patterns (IRD), combined with an independent reference model that characterizes frequency. This approach requires minimal parameters yet accurately reproduces complex, non-convex LRU miss ratio curves observed in real workloads. Our evaluation compares 2DIO to state-of-the-art methods, including deep learning approaches, demonstrating its cache accuracy and low cost. 2DIO scales with trace length and footprint while providing flexible configuration to replicate or customize a wide range of LRU miss ratio behaviors.
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